# run npm to update assets
npm run prod
#update repo
git add .
git commit -m "Message"
git push production
#orginal cmd is not working
dep deploy -v
#we need to pass username and ssh port for security reason
USER=username PORT=22 dep deploy -vvv
#and after that you should see message:
vagrant@homestead:~/code/larablogger$ USER=username PORT=22 dep deploy
✈︎ Deploying master on YO.UR.IP.ADS
✔ Executing task deploy:prepare
✔ Executing task deploy:lock
✔ Executing task deploy:release
➤ Executing task deploy:update_code
Cloning into '/var/www/'...
Enumerating objects: 1031, done.
Counting objects: 100% (1031/1031), done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (423/423), done.
Writing objects: 100% (1031/1031), done.
Total 1031 (delta 503), reused 1031 (delta 503)
Connection to closed.
✔ Ok
✔ Executing task deploy:shared
✔ Executing task deploy:vendors
✔ Executing task deploy:writable
✔ Executing task artisan:storage:link
✔ Executing task artisan:view:cache
✔ Executing task artisan:config:cache
✔ Executing task artisan:queue:restart
✔ Executing task artisan:optimize
✔ Executing task artisan:migrate
✔ Executing task deploy:symlink
✔ Executing task deploy:composer_install
✔ Executing task deploy:unlock
✔ Executing task cleanup
Successfully deployed!
#Thank you.
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